#8: Mission impossible

#8: Mission Impossible

Okay, so this week there was no coding. I went through all my scripts, telling myself : "What a mess!" and I started thinking about the missions and told me that I needed to stay organized. So I made an UML diagram of all the game, particularly for the interactions. We will have 2 kinds of "objects".

The first one is Scriptable objects : These objects will be data stored in the game with:

  1. Patterns: There a just an array of points (position + rotation + scale)
  2. Missions: There have a name and a two-dimension Interaction array.

You are maybe wondering why da hell I need a two-dimension array. This is simple : for each step of a mission, you may have multiple interactions defining the success of failure of the mission.

The second one is a Monobehavior component, he will be constantly attached to the interactable element. For each type of element a child class is necessary.

The UML diagram can be found here : https://docdro.id/uEF5F8e

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